Fees & payment info

Annual membership fee (for those over 16 years old): 50€

Adults one season training fee (autumn or spring): 260€ (students 195€)

Adults whole year training fee: 468€

Adults beginner course: 175€ (students 140€)

Children group 1 one season training fee (autumn or spring): 115€

Children group 2 and teens one season training fee (autumn or spring): 170€

Sibling discount: -50%. 1. child regular price, siblings -50%. If a parent of the family also trains at Genbu-kai, all the children get the sibling discount.)

Bank info:

Budoseura Genbu-Kai ry
IBAN: FI11 1309 3000 1121 10

Reference numbers (please use these when paying):

Membership fee: 9302

Karate beginner course: 5005
Iaido beginner course: 5209 
MGH beginner course: 5102 

Karate training fee: 6004 
Iaido training fee: 6208
MGH training fee: 6101

Smartum, Edenred and Eazybreak are also accepted payment methods.

Every member should also have an insurance that covers karate as well as a licence from Finnish Karate Federation. You can get your licence from here: www.karateliitto.fi/lisenssit